Brain years ago to implant

I would never have came to Japan if I had allowed individuals into my brain years ago to implant sufficient doubt into my thinking

I would never have came to Japan if I had allowed individuals into my brain years ago to implant sufficient doubt into my thinking. I would never have begun shooting Drift Hunters, had many life-changing experiences, or built the website where I revealed the real-live Initial D.

You are, allegedly, "the average of the people you hang out with the most." You will therefore get momentum if you surround yourself with high achievers and those who "made it" in the field of your aspirations. You will also find yourself caught in positive feedback loops wherein each little achievement inspires you more and you come to see that mistakes are just teaching opportunities leading one step closer to your objectives.

At last, when you follow your aspirations, you encourage others to do so. I started The Jet Coaster and Drift Hunter in part because of all the emails I get from people all over informing me that I have shown them it is feasible to bring to life something they love.

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